Beyond AI to AC: The Ethics of Artificial Consciousness
There is a lot of interest and hype about artificial intelligence, but what are the chances that it can go further, to true thinking, self-aware machines? If self-aware artificial intelligence does arise, will it turn on us, or is there some way to ensure it will be a blessing rather than our destruction? In this fascinating talk, we will look at the possibilities of machine consciousness and the ethical principles that should guide how we treat them - and how they treat us.
Robin Craig
Dr Robin Craig has a PhD in molecular
biology and a keen interest in science and philosophy, who wrote the popular
and controversial Philosophical Reflections series for TableAus
from 1992 to 2012. His dual
insights into science and philosophy result in a unique approach to public
presentations, concentrating on science, technology and its ethical and
philosophical implications. As an experienced cruise ship presenter, he is
known to generate much interest, questions and ongoing conversations on topics
including thinking machines, space travel, time travel, life extension and the
future of the human race. He writes both fiction and non-fiction, with numerous
science fiction novels and short stories author concentrating on similar
themes, plus published book chapters on secular ethics and the ethics of AI. Robin is a member of Mensa Queensland.
Web: robin-craig.com